Scheduling and Planning is extremely important when in work. This is because they will help with your organisation and time keeping. This is especially good when you are working on more than one project at a time because it will help you to see goals, attainments and deadlines clearly. Pete gave us an example of is working schedule and although it is very simple it is very effective and i shall use this for future projects. This is not just good for Graphic Designers it is good for any individual that has deadlines and goals to keep to. This is also helpful if you are asked to do a project because you can look at your schedule and easily see when the best time is to get it done. This two aspects are very important because you must always reach deadlines. employers will have important deadlines for things. For example if you are asked to design a layout for a magazine and you are late handing it in it may not be able to go into the magazine it was designed for because it will have missed the date for it to be published, this would mean that this client would not use you again and would most properly tell others not to use you as well.
Budgeting and Quoting.
Peter has taught us that you must always get a quote before you start the job. This is very important because otherwise you may end up doing a lot of extra work for nothing. Clients can be fussy, make sure you Quote them per job, tell them that if they want extras it will cost extra and tell them how much. Make sure your quote covers all your costs.Get research, look at how much other people charge for the same job. Always give them a brief and then when you Quote the price make sure you state: 'This is based on the brief so far.' This is so important because it means that if the brief is altered then they are aware the price may change. Always look at extra costs, look at how much absolutely everything will be, phone people and get quotes before you quote the price to your client.
If you quote a price via email you should write at the top, 'below is my estimate of costs......based on the brief so far' The word estimate being very important. This makes the client aware that this is a true estimate and it will change if alterations are made to the brief. Also write what the brief will achieve and what the client will get out of this. At the end of the email you should write, 'I will follow up this estimate with a call in a few days...Thank you for your time' This means you then can call the client in a few days and find out if they are going to go ahead with the work, this saves you time so you don't have to wait around for a phone call you may never receive.
Why is estimate of cost so important?
It will help the client to know what to expect otherwise they will not pay you the correct amount. It will save any confusion and also any confrontation.
After your follow up conversation if your client decides to go ahead with the job you must then create a branded proposal document using PDF. (a use full tip from Peter is to create a master template for this in in design so you can edit and change it and use it again and again for your clients, this will save time which will save money.
Consider a deposit, this is not always necessary but if you feel it is important this could be a good way to secure the job and also make sure the client knows they cannot mess you around. It also makes you look more professional and of standard.
Once this is completed you should send:Dimensions
Single PageTrim size: 200 265mm
Type area: 184 249mm
Bleed: 206 271mm (3mm bleed on all edges)
Double-page spreadTrim: 265 400mm
Type area: 249 384mm
Bleed: 271 406mm (3mm bleed on all edges)
Digital file creationFiles must be submitted as single or double-page
All files should be in cmyk format and have all fonts
and hi-resolution matter such as images and logos
All images contained in the file must be 300dpi when
100% in size.
Ink density
Text section:
uncoated stock the maximum ucr density should
not exceed 300%.
Outside back cover:
is printed on a gloss stock, the ucr density can be set
at a maximum of 320%.
Bleed allowanceBleed advertisements should include a 3mm
allowance on all edges.
Colour proofingAll advertisements with the exception of the
outside back cover should be proofed using the icc
profile that is tailored for our uncoated stock.
Eurostandard profile colourproofs will only be
accepted for the obc.
The icc profile for our paper can be downloaded
from the advertising section of the Monocle website:
For detailed guidelines on file preparation and
specifications please go to the ppa website: and to the pass4press instructions
Digital file deliveryDigital files can be sent to the publisher either by
cd-rom/dvd or via our delivery site:
Username: monocle
Password: adverts
Enter username and password as requested and
click on Monocle adverts icon to take you to the
upload option.
Files should be named by advertiser and issue date.
A confirmation email should be sent to the following
production contact when files have been sent via ftp.
Delivery address:Kiera O’Brien
Advertising Department
20 Boston Place
nw1 6er
Tel: 44 20 7725 4351
DisclaimerMonocle Magazine takes no responsibility for any
advertising material that is submitted for print
which is not in accordance with our specifications.
Proofs and Press passes
Proofs and Press passes should be printed to check what the work will look like after print, This is because work always looks different in print than it does on screen and different printers print work differently, things such as paper quality and ink can also effect the work.
Commissioning suppliers
This is a good idea as a graphic Designer as this will give you a permanent contact, it will enable you to use a resource that you are familiar with and enable you to have strong contact and respect from your supplier. If you continuously use the same supplier you will develop a strong working relationship which will help each of you grow your client base and meet targets. They will also be keen to help you and they will make sure they complete your work on time and of a strong standard because they will want you to continue using them.
- estimate of costs
- Production Scedule in a 150ppi PDF Document - This will make you look professional and give you and your client a clear point of reference.
When showing work always start in greyscale and give the client a colour palet. Then combine it together to show them what it would look like.When printing you should use CMYK format and 300dpi. This is to create maximum quality. For web design you should use RGB and 72dpi this is so that it downloads quickly.
Print Specification:
below is an example of a print specification that i found on
This shows all the key eliments that should be shown in a print specification.
The key elements that should be taken into concideration are:
- Crop Marks
- The bleed
- Size
- Margins
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